Buckwheat Risotto

In our family we eat a lot of buckwheat. It has so many great health benefits for us. There are so many great ways to use it like soups, pilafs, grind it and make pancakes or breads, use it in dishes you would originally would use rice, for example risotto.

Buckwheat is great for weight loss, it is low in calories and high in fiber and protein. If your stomach has a hard time digesting gluten this is also good for you to try.

Top 7 Buckwheat Benefits

  1. Improves Heart Health By Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels
  2. Contains Disease-Fighting Antioxidants
  3. Provides Highly Digestible Protein
  4. High Fiber Content Is Filling and Helps Improve Digestion
  5. Can Help Prevent Diabetes
  6. Doesn’t Contain Gluten and Is Non-Allergenic
  7. Supplies Important Vitamins and Minerals

Loving all the recipes from Lily's, the first site I check when I dont know what to cook for the day. Always bringing fresh recipes.


Loving all the recipes from Lily's, the first site I check when I dont know what to cook for the day. Always bringing fresh recipes.




4 Responses

  1. Hi Lily,
    We love buckwheat too, I usually do with podlivka or kids love it with milk and a little bit of sugar…
    Your recipe looks interesting too, especially because it has mushrooms!!!! For sure, I’ll give your recipe a try here;)

    My another question is (since I didn’t find where to comment under the home decor post),
    Can you please share where did you buy those sofas (the white one in living room and brown one in family room)?
    Thanks, Nat

  2. Hello dear. Love this recipe. If i would want to add chicken, when is the best time to add it?

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